Wörterbuch für Latein-Deutsch und Deutsch-Latein

Übersetzungen zu „abgetriebener gaul“

segnipes (Adjektiv)
segnipes, (gen.), segnipedis ADJ uncommon
abgetriebener Gaul
kein Form
caballus (Substantiv)
caballus, caballi N M
riding horse
kein Form
caballus, sonipes
gallia (Substantiv)
Gallia, Galliae N F
kein Form
gabalus (Substantiv)
tribe of Gaul
kein Form
gallicus (Adjektiv)
Gallicus, Gallica, Gallicum ADJ
of Gaul
of the Gauls
kein Form
aquitanus (Adjektiv)
kein Form
bibrax (Substantiv)
a town of the Remi in central Gaul
kein Form
aquitania (Substantiv)
one of the divisions of Gaul/France (southwest)
kein Form
eburones (Substantiv)
tribe of north Gaul - Caesar
kein Form
ocelum (Substantiv)
city in Cisalpine Gaul (N. Italy)
kein Form
carnutes (Substantiv)
tribe of central Gaul
around Loire - Caesar
kein Form
garunna (Substantiv)
river in SW Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"
kein Form
atuatucus (Substantiv)
tribe of north (Belgic) Gaul - Caesar
kein Form
lingon (Substantiv)
a people of W Cen. Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"
kein Form
genava (Substantiv)
Genava, Genavae N F lesser
city in Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"
kein Form
sequana (Substantiv)
river in N Cen. Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"
kein Form
boius (Substantiv)
a people of Cisalpine Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"
kein Form
biturig (Substantiv)
a people of SW Gaul
Aquitania - in Caesar's "Gallic War"
kein Form
haeduus (Substantiv)
also Aedui
a people of Cen. Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"
kein Form
cimber (Substantiv)
a German tribe
invaded Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"
kein Form
ambiorix (Substantiv)
a chief of the Eburones
a tribe of Gaul
central Normandy - Caesar
kein Form
dumnorix (Substantiv)
Dumnorix, Dumnorigis N M Classic
Bruder und Gegner des Äduers
name of a Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War
kein Form

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